Monday, February 8, 2010

Making a Choice

Out of so many choices which one to make?
Out of so many options which one to pursue?
Out of so many books which one to read?
Out of so many gurus which one to listen to?
Out of so many gods which one to worship?
Out of so many melodies which one to enjoy?
Out of so many pretty girls which one to kiss?
Out of some many wines which one to drink?
Out of so many fruits which one to taste?
Out so many dances which one to dance?
Out of so many seducing sins which one to commit?
Out of so many roads to hell which one to walk along?
Out of so many fights which one to fight?
Out of so many friends which one to betray?
Out of so many wives to whom to be faithful?
Out of so many principles for which one to die?
Out of so many enemies which one to kill?
Out of so many parties to which one to enroll?
Bewildered, perplexed, frustrated I sink in despair.
Do not want to fight, do not want to love, do not want paradise nor hell ...
Too much exhausted am I and confused
To make even a single choice ...
Arise, Arjuna!
You won't escape, it's your path to walk along.
Fight, if you can, or fly away, if you can't,
Be courageous yet generous.
Beyond all these faces see My Face.
Beyond all these voices hear My Voice.
Beyond all these troubles see My Justice.
Beyond all these melodies listen to My Song, My Song of Life.
Beyond all these pretty girls see My Beauty.
And while drinking all these wines seek taste of My Grape.
Run away from parties, from casts and from guilds.
Be strong and courageous,
Do not believe, don't be scary, and do not plead.

1 comment:

  1. Well written. Thought provoking and deep in implication. A winner's anthem it must be
